GOGGES Bottom Mounted Bin With Soft-Closing Slide
GOGGES Bottom Mounted Bin With Soft-Closing Slide
MIRAI Bottom Mounted Bin With Soft Closing Slide (Attach With Door)
  • Muatkan imej ke dalam penonton Galeri, GOGGES Bottom Mounted Bin With Soft-Closing Slide
  • Muatkan imej ke dalam penonton Galeri, GOGGES Bottom Mounted Bin With Soft-Closing Slide
  • Muatkan imej ke dalam penonton Galeri, MIRAI Bottom Mounted Bin With Soft Closing Slide (Attach With Door)

MIRAI Bottom Mounted Bin With Soft Closing Slide (Attach With Door)

Harga biasa
Harga jualan
Harga biasa
Habis dijual
Harga seunit

Cabinet Door Size: W400mm


Option Dimensions
15 Litres
W342 x D490 x H430
18 Litres W342 x D490 x H430

*Measured in millimetres